Being in the sock business, we make a cringe-worthy amount of jokes about socks! We can’t help it — everyone here is a sucker for sock puns! It turns out novelty socks attract people with a good sense of humor, so it was only a matter of time before puns, funny phrases and corny jokes invaded the sock world.
This Father’s Day, gift some dad joke socks from our large collection of funny socks for men. Some of them will probably make you groan, but they will definitely make your pops feel like the joke king.

As a bonus, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best sock jokes and foot puns that you can share with your dad, or anyone else who wants you to sock it to 'em! We think you’ll get a real kick out of each and every one.
1. Why do golfers wear two pairs of socks?
2. Who is the most famous footwear philosopher?
3. What did the hat say to the sock?
4. Why did the pair of socks decide to break up?
5. What kind of socks do you need to plant flowers?
6. What do you call a financier with a hole in their sock?
7. Person 1: Your sock has a hole in it!
8. What did one new sock say to the other?
9. Did you hear who they cast in the new movie, “Shoe-manji?”
10. What did the sock-stealing gnome tell his wife before going to work?
Dying to hear more sock jokes? Then you must check out our blog of holiday-themed Christmas sock jokes! If these jokes tickle your funny bone, you can also check out this collection of our favorite funny novelty socks!
Sock lover
May 15, 2022
Sock it to them