Fall is upon us, and as a sock store that means we are extra aware of the colder weather and the increasing need for warm socks. Unfortunately, many people just can't afford to buy new socks. Combine this with a lack of warm footwear and you end up with a lot of cold and often wet feet walking around. It's not just uncomfortable — it can cause health problems that are difficult to fix for those already struggling.
That is why this October, we gave more than 300 pairs of socks to those in need. These socks will go to Northwest Youth Services, a nonprofit helping runaway and at-risk youth in Bellingham and Mount Vernon. We donated these socks through the Peoples Bank downtown Bellingham Branch, kicking off their 2019 “Share-a-Pair for Socktober” sock drive.
This is our sixth year in a row celebrating Socktober, a nationwide effort to provide new socks to people who need them. It was also our second year partnering with Peoples Bank, which is its downtown Bellingham neighbor. Last year Peoples Bank branches ended up collecting around 7,000 pairs throughout the state of Washington. This year, they are upping their goal to 10,000 pairs of socks.
Throughout this October, Peoples Bank locations will be accepting donations of new, unopened socks and monetary contributions. If you want to participate in another way, you can also fill out a short online form with your name, county and email address and People's Bank will donate a pair in your name. You can visit your nearest branch or check out the Peoples Bank website to learn more.
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