Socks and wine are both great gifts, but both are notoriously difficult to gift wrap! Socks are naturally floppy so wrapping paper can present a challenge, while wine bottles are an awkward shape in addition to being breakable AND full of liquid.
So here at Cute But Crazy Socks we thought: why not wrap a wine bottle with a pair of socks and feed two birds with one scone? You can use any socks with a fun design, but our wine-themed socks are a perfect pairing!
With this guide you can easily gift wrap a bottle of wine inside a pair of socks, while using one of the socks to create a festive bow. Let’s get started!
Sock Wine Bottle Bag & Bow
Gather these supplies:
- A bottle of wine
- A pair of socks (we used these fun Christmas socks)
- Some decorative ribbon, strips of tulle or fabric

1. To make the bow, first lay one of the socks down horizontally in front of you and fold in thirds, bringing the ends together so you can tuck the toe into the cuff. Then, flip the sock over and reposition so that the heel of the sock is at the center.

2. With the tucked side face down, draw the ribbon, tulle or fabric strips underneath at the center, right in the middle of the heel. Tie tightly, pinching the sock to give it a festive bow look.
3. Take the remaining sock and slip it over the bottle, bottom first. Adjust the cuff at the top by folding or scrunching it if it seems too long.
4. To affix the bow, tie the ends of the ribbon around the neck of the bottle so the bow is on the front. You can tie the ribbon in the front, just behind the bow.
5. Looking good! Adjust your socks and ribbon until everything is just right.
Give a wine-and-socks bundle to someone on your list this Christmas!
Did you try this idea? Tag us on social media @CuteButCrazySocks.
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