Here at Cute But Crazy Socks we are the funny sock experts — but we also specialize in sock humor!
Sock puns are our Achille's heel, because a well-placed joke can help us get us off on the right foot when helping our customers.
The best sock jokes have a setup, a punchline, and tickle you right down to your soles. Some people may consider them dad jokes, but we think anyone can pull them off, kind of like a pair of novelty socks!
Enjoy this latest edition of sock silliness for April Fools' Day, and leave us a comment with a sock joke of your own!
1. What do you call a 7-foot-tall sock that can dunk a basketball?
Sockille O’Neal
2. What is it called when you put on a pair of socks filled with applesauce?
Fruit by the foot
3. Why did the ankle socks get fired from their job?
They were no-shows.
4. How does Snoop Dogg Wear his socks?
As high as possible.
5. What do sock puppets eat?
Finger foods
6. What’s the difference between a sock and a camera?
A camera takes photos, but a sock takes five toes.
7. Someone told me my sock had a hole in it.
I yelled, “Darn it!”
8. How do you keep a sock on a wooden leg?
With a toe-nail.
9. Why can’t cows wear toe socks?
Because they lac-tose
10. What happens when you tell your socks a joke?
You turn them into laughing-socks.
For even more silly sock jokes, visit our first sock joke blog, 10 Best Sock Jokes or our Christmas edition with the Funniest Christmas Sock Jokes.
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